Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about massage therapy, massage with cupping, prenatal massage, acupuncture, or naprapathy? Check below for answers to frequently asked questions!

What exactly does a massage therapist do?

A licensed massage therapist uses their hands to rub and knead the muscles and joints of the body to relieve tension or pain. Massage therapists have advanced training and experience in using procedures that relieve pain, improve mobility, increase circulation, and improve functions of the body.

Are massages healthy?

Massages help keep bodies in better shape and working condition. Massages also help reduce stress and alleviate pain. Depending on the condition of your body, it is recommended a person gets one or two massages a month.

Does getting a massage really help my body?

Massage therapy is safe and effective for people of all ages. It's not only a feel-good way to indulge or pamper yourself, it's a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health, well-being, and quality of life.

What happens to the body during massage therapy?

Massage therapy increases blood and lymph circulation, which helps the soft tissues of the body (muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments) loosen and relax, calming the nerves. The overall sensation is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm.

What can I expect during a massage?

You can expect a peaceful and tranquil environment during your treatment session. First, your therapist will discuss any issues you are having and then use the best massage therapy for that issue. The Swedish massage technique uses long, smooth strokes with light pressure to induce relaxation. Deep tissue massage involves applying more pressure.

What is the best massage for back pain?

Many massage therapists recommend deep-tissue massage for back pain. This type of massage therapy involves applying hard pressure to sore muscles, pressing deeply through the muscles to the bone as much as possible. This allows for the release of scar tissue and helps relax tightly knotted muscles that cause chronic neck and upper back pain.

Is massage therapy covered by insurance?

Many insurance plans cover massage therapy. Check out our page on Insurance for more details. Please note that if this will be your first appointment with us, call our office first at (505) 490-6160.

What are the benefits of prenatal massage?

Prenatal massage can help reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and help improve labor outcomes. This type of massage focuses on areas of the body that commonly experience stress and pain during pregnancy, such as the lower back, hips, and legs.

What is Naprapathy?

Naprapathy is a non-invasive treatment that uses gentle methods to help with muscle and joint pain. Naprapathy aims to improve movement and reduce discomfort by focusing on balancing and aligning connective tissue structures — including ligaments, tendons, fascia, and muscles.

How does Naprapathy differ from a chiropractor?

Naprapathy treatments focus on the gentle manipulation of soft tissues surrounding the spine and joints that have become rigid. In comparison, chiropractors focus on manipulating the spine and joints by making adjustments that can feel and sound like “popping” or “cracking.”

How does acupuncture work?

The Chinese medical technique of acupuncture is based on the concept of Qi, or the body's vital energy, flowing along pathways called meridians. By stimulating specific points along these pathways with hair-thin needles, acupuncture aims to restore the balance of the body’s energy, promoting health and relieving pain. Additionally, acupuncture may stimulate the release of endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers, and improve blood circulation.

Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture is a mildly invasive therapy. The needles used are extremely thin, so all you will feel is a slight pin prick. Some people don’t feel anything at all.

What is massage with cupping?

In Massage Cupping therapy, the therapist places special cups on the skin for a few minutes to create suction. This suction lifts the skin and underlying issues, helping release toxins and promoting healing and relaxation. Massaging with cupping can help improve blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, and reduce inflammation.

Does massage with cupping hurt?

Massage with cupping can cause some mild discomfort, as the cups create suction on the skin, which can feel tight or intense. However, it is often described as a unique sensation rather than painful. The intensity of the suction can be adjusted to make the experience more comfortable. Make sure to discuss your comfort level with your therapist during the session.

How does Thai massage differ from regular massage?

Along with regular massaging therapy, Thai massage also involves the use of yoga and certain Chinese traditional medicine methods. Thai massages are performed on a floor mat to allow a complete range of motion, with therapists using their entire body for the massage. In contrast, regular massages are typically performed on a massage table using hands, fists, forearms, and elbows.

Is CBD massage therapy legal?

Being a non-psychoactive compound, CBD therapy is certainly legal in the state of New Mexico, but each state has its own set of rules and procedures. CBD massaging involves using massage techniques combined with CBD-infused oils, creams, or lotions on the skin to promote relaxation, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain and inflammation. CBD massage therapy relieves stress and anxiety, promotes healthy skin, and relaxes the mind and body.